Disposables Can’t Beat My Feather Duster

Feather Dusters are Back in Stock

Dear FlyLady,

DusterPFDframedLet me start by saying, I HATE TO DUST! Don’t we all? So when I started with FlyLady and saw DUSTING was on the Home Blessing List, my Inner Princess “Belle” whined: “But I don’t wannnnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaa.”

It meant a can of furniture spray and a cloth and a couple of hours wiping down every surface in the house. UGGGGGGGGHHHHH! And the spray made me sneeze more than the dust.Sooooooooooooooo after awhile I didn’t do it all. Until I joined FlyLady and bought my feather dusters. I read many testimonials from different people using the dusters and they made dusting sound fun. I also loved the idea of “blessing the world.”

When the box arrived, I really couldn’t wait to open it. I tried the FlyLady Feather Duster and got LAYERS of dust off furniture. I was finally able clean my ceiling fans and grab the cobwebs off the ceilings. It never happened with a cloth and those disposable dusters drove me crazy having to change the pads and all. But now I dust every week. It takes minutes instead of hours and it may not be perfect, but it’s getting done. Yes, it may be old fashioned but it gets the job done and, contrary to the clever advertising, my FlyLady feather duster traps the dust in the feathers; it does not just push it around.

One day, perhaps, others will realize what I already know: Disposable cloths and dusters can’t beat my FlyLady Feather Duster for getting the job done. The dusters make the dust, and me, FLY.


Use Coupon Code CLEAN25 to save 25%! Be sure and add a calendar to your order.

FlyLady here: We have a Premium Feather Duster.

Feather dusting my whole house takes 2 minutes.  In this video I am showing you how to dust; it took longer than 2 minutes! You never have to see dust again! 

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