Back to Basics Day 6 Saturday Family Fun Day

Dear Friends,

Our whole lives we have played “Catch Up on the Weekends”! This put a sense of dread into our daily life. We no longer looked forward to a wonderful weekend filled with fun with our friends and family. This all started when we were children. It is how our mothers did it! We would have to spend all day Saturday cleaning house or we were banished to our rooms for the evening. I truly believe this is why we despise cleaning house. It has always been a punishment for us. I want you to have a reward for your Home Blessing Efforts! A Saturday to play is a great gift for you!

The solution to saving your Saturdays is very simple. Let’s think about how many hours you spend frantically cleaning to catch up from a whole week tossing your routines out into the street! Between our piling and procrastination our homes look like a bomb went off. You can look at a room and see evidence of the things that were done this week. You know the package that had to be wrapped for a birthday party or the whole week’s worth of mail piled on the kitchen counter that is about to fall into the floor.

On Saturday you don’t wake up excited about cleaning all day. You sleep in a bit; drag around in your pajamas for a couple of hours with a pot of coffee to get you moving in the right direction. By the time you get started it is already noon! The next six hours are spent cleaning like a banshee so that you don’t feel terrible. All the while you are yelling out orders for everyone in the family to get in gear! I get sick just thinking about what we have done us and our family; all because we lie to ourselves with these words; I DON’T HAVE TIME!

The truth is; what you don’t have is ROUTINES! You have the time, you just choose not to do anything because you don’t think you have six hours to do it right! Well you don’t have six hours to clean like a banshee but you do have seven minutes.

Implementing just seven minutes in the morning, when you come home from work and before bed will give you back your Saturdays. Maybe we can call this our 7 Minute Saturday Rescue.

The secret is to pick up after yourself and get the family to do it right along with you! It can become a fun game. Set your timer three times a day, morning, when you get home from work or school and just before bed. Everyone has to put away the things that belong to them. It is up to you to remember to do it. When you forget you only make it harder to do the next time.

This does not mean you can leave the dishes in the sink and on the table. This is part of cleaning up after dinner and shining your sink. With your piles put away and hot spots extinguished, you are off to have some fun.


Tip of the Day: Many families like to do Weekly Home Blessing as a game. You can do a quick game on Saturday before you head out to have a fun day with your family. Put the 7 blessings on separate pieces of paper in a bowl. Let each person draw one blessing out of the bowl. Set a timer for 10 minutes and before you know it your home will be blessed and you will be off to have fun.

Back to Basics Mission #11

Do you like to have something fun for dinner on Saturdays. For our family if it is Saturday it is Pizza Night. We love to make our own as well as order take out. Pizza crust is easy to make and your children will love constructing their own pizza on a piece of parchment paper. All you need is dough, pizza sauce, toppings, and shredded mozzarella cheese. This is all about making memories. When the Pizza is in the oven send an email to with MAKING PIZZA MEMORIES in the subject line.

Back to Basics Mission #12

Saturday is all about having fun with your family. Do your morning routine and set out on a day filled with making memories with your family. Sit down with your family and come up with some ideas and get them on your calendar. Here are some great ideas that don’t cost you a lot of money.

After you get some activities on your family calendar send, an email to with SATURDAY IS FUN DAY in the subject line.

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