Tag Archives: back to basics
I Can’t Seem to Fit Weekly Home Blessing into My Schedule
What is your suggestion for those because of scheduling, can’t fit in the hour weekly home blessing plus Zone cleaning?
We Need Help in the Morning
I work as a substitute teacher. I started last year and didn’t expect to end up working basically full-time hours , and my home showed it!
Back to Basics Day 13: Calendar Habit
Did you know that most FlyBabies are calendar challenged? It took me years and thousands of dollars to finally develop a system that worked for me.
Back to Basics Day 12: Running on Empty
Did you know that you can actually fill up your car before it hits empty and you are running around on fumes?
Back to Basics Day 11: Morning Routine
Some of you are having a problem with your morning routine.
Back to Basics Day 10: Before Bed Routine
So many of you are having a problem with your before bed routine.
Back to Basics Day 9: Perfectionism
This week we are concluding our back to basics. Some of you like it; and others did not.
Back to Basics Day 8; Weekly Home Blessing
Dear Friends, Have you ever done a Weekly Home Blessing? I understand for some of you who work outside of your home or have little children, that putting together a full hour to bless your home is almost impossible, but … Continue reading
Back to Basics Day 7: If Momma Ain’t Happy
My only concern in the world is for you, your home and your family.