It Takes Two

Dear FlyLady,

Thank you so much for your amazing products!

I recently ordered my first set of purple rags and wow are they handy! Earlier today I decided to try them on the windows in my living room and kitchen. I have company coming on Sunday and I wanted the windows to look nice (and my guests to be able to see through them).

I do not enjoy doing the windows! It takes so many paper towels and if you don’t wipe the cleaner away just right you wind up with streaky windows, it’s just a hassle. I gave a damp purple rag a try and it was amazing! Not only did it clean the glass but because it was just water, I could also wipe down the wood around it without worry.

There was only one problem. My 17 month old DS kept trying to take my rag! Since there were no chemicals, I handed it over. What did he do? He mimicked me and was “cleaning” the window too! Now it takes two purple rags to clean my windows, one for me and one for my DS.

Thank you for my extra five minutes of playtime!

Fluttering With a Tiny Tot in GA
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