Magic Won’t Cut the Clutter

Dear Friends,

We have all watched those home make-over shows and wished for someone to come into our house and perform this magic. Now here are the problems with having your wish granted.

1. You will be forcibly decluttered and that is like having open heart surgery without the mercy of anesthesia. Are you ready to have your heart jerked out of your body? I feel that it is wrong to put ourselves through such a trauma. It takes time for the decluttering process to become a way of life.

2. Yes, I know it will feel good to get the clutter finally out of your home, but how long do you think it will take for it to get back into that cluttered pile.

3. As it starts piling up again, how do you feel then; beaten down and upset with yourself for not being able to keep it clean and clutter free. I don’t want this to happen to you.

When you first join our little group all I ask is that you shine your sink, get dressed to shoes and declutter your home for 15 minutes each day.

Your home did not get messy in a day and it is not going to get clean overnight. I want to help you let go of your perfectionism and in the process stop you from the self-defeating behavior of crash and burn syndrome. Babysteps will help you accomplish your ultimate goal of getting your home clean and organized. If you haven’t noticed there is an additional benefit of taking it slow and steady. You get to find you underneath all that clutter.

Don’t ever forget that you can’t organize clutter; all you can do is get rid of it 15 minutes at a time. The best container for organizing your clutter is a trash can. Even though our Super Fling Boogie only happens three times a year this doesn’t mean that the decluttering process ends when the Fling is over. As our messages FLY wash you, your buying habits are going to change. This is the part that helps to keep clutter at the store and the yard sale while keeping your hard earned money in the bank.

You are going to be so surprised by the money you are going to save when you ask yourself a few simple questions when you are tempted to purchase something.

Do I have a place for you?
What are you going to replace?
Do I love you enough to clean you?
Do you make me smile?

If you decide that the purchase is worthy of your home; then as soon as you walk in the door with your new item; it is time to exile the old one. This will keep your clutter from taking over your home again. All of this takes time because if it happened by the stroke of a magic wand or a crew 10 people it would not stay that way for long.

We all have the power within us; we just need to spend 15 minutes a day and watch the clutter go away. Consistency is our the solution along with our simple routines that help us maintain.

Are your ready to FLY with 15 minutes on your side?


Summer Sales End Soon!

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Debuting in the FlyShop, our newest tool for many tasks.

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Now is the time for you to take advantage of this great sale!

PrintDo you need to jump back on the FlyLady Wagon? CHAOS to Clean in 31 Easy BabySteps.

This book will help both our new FlyBabies, and our “not so new” FlyBabies (like those who are “jumping back in where we are”).



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