Tag Archives: clutter

Collateral Cleaning When in Project Mode

Clutter comes off in layers!

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How Can 15 Minutes Make A Difference?

My home is filled with clutter, how can only doing 15 minutes a day of decluttering make a difference?

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Cut Your Losses

We all make mistakes! This is a fact of living.

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One More Day of Hope

What happens when we don’t have hope in our lives?

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A French Manicure

This past Sunday afternoon I treated myself to a manicure.

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Make Your Home a Vacation Get Away

What is it about going on vacation that makes it worth all the preparation and hassle?

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9 Steps to a Beautiful Dining Table

I know everyone has those items they find themselves staring at with no clear strategy on how to tackle it.

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Living In The Past

Today my morning musing has to deal with living in the past.

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Are You Living on an Adrenaline High?

Since Robert retired seven years ago; we have not set an alarm clock. This morning we were startled awake by his cell phone announcing that he had received a voice mail. My insides are still quivering as I start my morning essay.

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What About the Closets

My problem is in areas behind closed doors like closets and garages and attic spaces.

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