Taking Care of You

Dear Friends,

I am hearing some bad things from you. ” I don’t have time to take care of MYSELF!” My children just started football, soccer, dance, etc. My job just started. or I have family in the hospital.


You all have had this happen. Every thing piles up on you and you don’t know where you are going to get another minute in your day and then all of a sudden you are coming down with something. A stomach virus, a cold, flu some kind of sickness and you are in the bed.

This is our body saying, “SLOW DOWN!”

If we don’t take care of ourselves, God will do it for us.

We push ourselves to the limit, by not going to bed at a decent hour, not eating right and scheduling too much to do. Know your limits, as much as you want to be Super Woman, you are only human.

Even in the worst of times, with sick children and family, we can still find a quiet place to just BE! Sit still and Be Calm. This is help.

In the work place, OSHA requires employers to give all employees a break in the morning and afternoon. Are you taking your BREAKS!???

Every day I want you to regroup at 10:00am and at 2:00pm. I have to give you a specific time or you will not schedule it into your day. When you see the clock strike 10am, this is your clue to slow down and breathe. Get a cup of something you love and sit quietly. Read, or listen to music. Do not argue with me on this, if you can not do it at these times, then let these times remind you that you will be taking a break within the hour.

10 minutes is not going to kill you, but it could make your day run smoother.

Today I had lunch with a friend of mine. We were talking about old friends. Art Rowe retired many years ago from U.S. Forest Service. Our conversation made me remember a story he told me this at a conference I attended.

Have you heard the story about the young man that wanted to prove to the Timber boss that he was strong enough to be part of his crew. The boss gave him an axe and sent him to the woods. He cut 8 trees! The next day he went back and he only cut 6 trees, even though he went out early and came in late. The third day, He only cut 4 trees and he had worked harder than ever. The boss just shook his head. Then he told him that the secret was to rest every hour and while you sit, sharpen your axe. The young man never forget the lesson.

Sit and Sharpen your AX. Your chores will wait. You will be stronger and more able to stay on task.

Catch you Later,


Set your timer for 10 minutes and take a little break to sharpen your axe. There are lots of things we can do while we sit and take a break. Make a list of things that are fun and things that are productive.

1. Check Facebook
2. Make a list
3. Read a book
4. Check email
5. Write a thank you note
6. Fold clothes
7. Read a magazine
8. Write a testimonial

Tell me what is on your list. Send it to me FlyLady@flylady.net with SHARPEN YOUR AX in the subject line.

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