Tag Archives: peace

Two Minutes Makes My Home Shine

Last week I implemented my Two Minutes to Peace in my home.

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It’s Anti Procrastination Day

Today is Anti-Procrastination Day! What have you been putting off?

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Why can’t I seem to be successful in creating a peaceful home

Why can’t I seem to be successful in creating a peaceful home and how can I overcome them?

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April Habit #13 Instant Encouragement

I am a FlyBaby that has fallen off the FLY wagon.

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April Habit #12 Simplicity and Sanctuary

I finally mastered keeping the bed made!

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4 Focus Points to Start Your Day

You may need to see immediate results in order to establish your routines.

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Get Creative

I would have never thought

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My Wife Deserves a Break. Thank You!

I am not a member. But my wife is.

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Taking Care of You

I am hearing some bad things from you.

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Clutter Clouds More Than My Home

So far, using FlyLady advice, our bedroom is

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