A Spoon for Thought

Dear Friends,

This morning I was hungry for some oatmeal.  I grabbed our box of Quaker oatmeal and read the directions. It had been a while since I had made any. I measured out the last of that box, noticed that I had a fresh box in the pantry. That means I need to put oats on our grocery list. I hate to run out of things. It is so nice to have a backup. That really isn’t what I wanted to talk to you about. It was when I reached into our utensil drawer and pulled out a spoon that got me to thinking about things.

The old silver plate spoon that we use for cooking has been in Robert’s family a very long time. He came by it when his Aunt Mary went into assisted living and he was helping to clean out the house. He needed a spoon, this one had no value at all except memories. It is the first spoon that we reach for when we start to cook.

As I stirred my oats I thought of all the people who had stirred a similar pot of oatmeal to start their day. I could tell that it has been used by a right handed person because the bottom of the spoon was worn down. If this spoon could talk, it would tell us of the many bowls of oats it had served up or the gravy it had made to feed a hungry family. What it told me was, that it was a spoon that was loved because it was used. The consistency of daily use had gently but lovingly molded it through the generations. My husband had appreciated its imperfections and brought it home to be loved by our family.

When we got married Aunt Mary told me a story about the day she was born. Her father had given her mother six serving spoons to match the family Chantilly silver. They were engraved with a “C” for Cilley. This was the silver that was only used on special occasions. That day Aunt Mary gave us one of those Chantilly serving spoons. That spoon is used every Thanksgiving at our home. It holds a special place in our hearts and in our silver chest but it is not loved the way that everyday cooking spoon is.

Once a day that old worn out spoon blesses us! It stirs up something warm and wonderful in our home! It reminds me that consistency molds our lives with good habits. Those habits keep us healthy and create peace in our homes. When you string those simple habits into life changing routines you are free to FLY! Finally Loving Yourself is the spoon that serves up wonderful things in your life.

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