Tag Archives: procrastination

Procrastination is Not The Thief of Time

This week we are thinking about procrastination. We have all heard that procrastination is the thief of time.

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What is the 2 Minute Challenge?

What is the two minute challenge you are asking us to join you in,

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One Bite at a Time

It is so much easier to clean in a room without clutter. Don’t get overwhelmed by all the clutter; 15 minutes a day over what you do in your routines.

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Two Minutes Makes My Home Shine

Last week I implemented my Two Minutes to Peace in my home.

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When do I do my long “To Do” list?

I really appreciate all of the FlyLady advice on setting up routines so I can get my everyday tasks done

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It’s Anti Procrastination Day

Today is Anti-Procrastination Day! What have you been putting off?

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Just Tell Me What to Do

Every week you talk about Wednesday being Anti-Procrastination Day.

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Following Your Dreams

Did life happen and your dreams get put on the back burning? This has occurred to most of us.

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Procrastination, Distraction, or Do-It-Now? Oh My

Procrastination, Distraction, or Do-It-Now? Would you please help us distinguish between these 3 ideas.

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Are You On a Collision Course

Procrastination has been a way of life for most of us.

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