Tag Archives: Weekly Home Blessing

Try a 2 Minute Weekly Home Blessing

Have you ever done a Weekly Home Blessing?

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I Can’t Seem to Fit Weekly Home Blessing into My Schedule

What is your suggestion for those because of scheduling, can’t fit in the hour weekly home blessing plus Zone cleaning?

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Two Minutes Makes My Home Shine

Last week I implemented my Two Minutes to Peace in my home.

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What am I Doing Wrong?

Thanks so much for helping me keep my housework under control! I do have a question or two:

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What is Standing in Your Way

Have you never done a Weekly Home Blessing?

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How I Bless My Home. Just the Facts.

Today is my Weekly Home Blessing Hour. Yes I only spend one hour, blessing our home. If the truth be told, I only spend 10 minutes a blessing. When the timer goes off, I stop what I am doing and start on the next blessing.

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Have You Been Neglecting Weekly Home Blessing

Don’t Skip Weekly Home Blessing

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Playing Catch Up on Saturday

I can’t seem to free up my Saturday for Family Fun Day. Old habits die hard

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When Perfectionism Rules the Roost

There are times when our husbands get frustrated and use FlyLady’s words against us. I know occasionally Robert will point an accusing finger and say “Hot Spot!” but I know he is doing it in jest and not in an ugly manner.

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January Habit #14 Maintain This Routine

I’ve only been at it for a couple of weeks, but my what a difference a shiny sink has made!

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