Tag Archives: home organization

Changed My Mindset

I have been trying to think of

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The Advocate

I refused to shine my sink for over a

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Second Nature

A few days ago, like today and every other day, I

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We All Have Challenges

Thank you so much for

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The Kitchen is Open

This week we have been focusing on our kitchens and getting rid of our clutter.

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How Do I Do The Rest?

I feel overwhelmed. I do the shoes, dress to shoes, declutter 15 min a day, do the missions.

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Does a Feather Duster Really Work?

Didn’t you know that feather dusters only push the dust around. This is not good for people with allergies.

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Cheapest Remodel of All

We can get so stuck in a rut when our homes are in bad shape.

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What Do You Do With Your Clutter?

What do you do with your “clutter”? Do you give it a kiss and throw it in the trash?

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Clutter Clouds More Than My Home

So far, using FlyLady advice, our bedroom is

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