Off To The Barn

Dear FlyLady,

I have all the other rubba tools so I decided to get a newer one.

I didn’t look at the description or measurements and just assumed it was a small “nail brush” rubba.

I was pleasantly surprised when it came and although I had thoughts to use it in the house, my husband immediately said…”oh you got a FlyLady tool to clean the buckets at the barn”. So it left the house and has found a wonderful job as a bucket scrubber.

The water buckets get nasty from the saliva from the animals, hay and feed particles and an occasional dung dump in the bucket…yes we have talented horses and goats:) In order to keep our critters healthy, we try and clean these quite often…I’ve never had the ideal brush for this…either too large or too small….

The scrubba scrubba is just the thing!!!

I’m having to get more as I can see this being a great grooming tool for our show goats this summer. The animals love the feel of the other rubbas.

Thanks for your great products,
Ky Farm Flybaby
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