31 BabySteps


Shine your sink! Keep it clean and shiny. Before bed make sure it is empty.


When you first get up; get dressed to lace up shoes! Fix your hair and face too.


Keep your sink shiny & continue to get dressed when you get up each morning. I was out in the yard because Robert is still asleep. This is my favorite plant, a Sweet Scrub! It smells wonderful in the afternoon!


Place Post-It Note above kitchen sink: Get Dressed and Shine Your Sink!


Recognize the negative things you say, now turn it around to something good!


Let’s find HotSpots in the home. It’s any flat surface that collects stuff. Clean it off!



Your Before Bed Routine. Pick out your clothes for tomorrow before you go to bed!


Celebrate! I am so proud of you! You have a simple Before Bed & Morning Routine!


Let’s add decluttering to your Morning Routine. Try a 5 Minute Room Rescue and 27 Fling Boogie!

DAY 10

Set a timer for 15 minutes and gather all the trash in your home and dispose of it!

DAY 11

List your favorite quotes! You can’t organize clutter; you have to get rid of it!

DAY 12

Don’t crash & burn! By allowing perfectionism to take over! Get our daily emails.

DAY 13

Have you seen our daily missions? You never have to spring clean again.

DAY 14

Checking your calendar keeps you organized. Is yours big enough for your family?

DAY 15

Add making your bed to your morning routine. Each room has a shiny sink. Make It.

DAY 16

Read a Morning Musings. Our messages simply change your thinking!

DAY 17

Establish a bedtime! Put it on your Before Bed Routine! You need 8 hours each night

DAY 18

Check out my 11 Commandments! Simple rules to live by. Finally Loving Yourself

DAY 19

Are you ready for your home to feel like a Bed and Breakfast? Read this testimonial!

DAY 20

Laundry stand in the way of FLYing. A load a day keeps Mount Washmore Away!

DAY 21

Every DAY I answer a question. Ask your question! Email FlyLady@Flylady.net

DAY 22

Has perfectionism stopped you from making a control journal?

DAY 23

Add an Afternoon Routine. Start dinner, & help with homework, empty lunch box.

DAY 24

Add Swish and Swipe to your Morning Routine This keeps your bathroom company ready!

DAY 25

It takes a month to establish habits. Be kind to you! Give Yourself a #Gold Star

DAY 26

Don’t allow perfectionism to beat you up if you miss a day! You’re not behind!

DAY 27

What’s for dinner? If you think about this at 10:00 am; you will know the answer!

DAY 28

If you don’t take care of you who will? Eat healthy food & drink your water!

DAY 29

With BabySteps; you’ve learned the basics of FLYing. Progress not Perfection!

DAY 30

To stay organized is check your calendar twice a DAY. Any upcoming Birthdays?

DAY 31

I’m so proud of you! Keep decluttering & get signed up for emails. Keep FLYing!

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