Clutter Clouds More Than My Home

Dear FlyLady,

I have been using your advice for about a year.  But of course each person’s baby steps look different for their own situation.  So far, using FlyLady advice, our bedroom is a clean and tidy haven every day, the sink is clear and clean each morning, my coffee is ready to brew in the morning and all I have to do is push “go”, breakfast is planned and dishes are set out, the morning “launch pad” is loaded, trash, recycling, and compost are taken out regularly, and every week (almost!) my Home receives a home blessing.  Thank you thank you!

Just this month I have begun “decluttering” and so far it is going well.  I want to encourage those who are overwhelmed with the idea of decluttering.  I have two young children and even 15 minutes is hard to get in one stretch.  I aim for about ten…but sometimes my decluttering turns into a play activity for them and we spend an hour looking at stuff we forgot we had.  I work two days a week and weekends are less scheduled, so right now I aim for ten minutes on my three “home” weekdays.  I have written this event on my calendars and have chosen areas I want to declutter.  I started with my living room bookshelf.  Just the top. The next day I did the shelves.  The next day I did my girls’ closet top shelf.  The next available day I did my girls’ dresser top.  The next day was their up high “decorative and special stuff” shelf.  Sometimes I only throw away three things and give away three things.  But other things get new, more appropriate homes.  It is so much easier to maintain the living room bookshelf and keep it clutter free when it starts that way each day.  The girls’ room is not quite there but it will be!  I am slowly seeing how everything can have a place and everything can be returned to its rightful place when there is not clutter clouding my vision, my thoughts, my home.  I don’t have a declutter kit or boxes, and I can see how those would be helpful, but for now I just make piles…give away, throw away, re-home.

It makes dusting easier when there is no clutter!

FlyBaby is Southern CA

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