Tag Archives: family
The Lonesome Chimney Musing
Have you ever been riding in a car and notice a lonely chimney standing in a pasture?
Do You Act Like a Martyr
I want you to ask yourself this question? Do I act like a Martyr?
Posted in Morning Musing
Tagged family, get organized, martyr
How Big Are the Calendar Squares?
I was wondering what the inside of the calendar looked like.
Posted in Ask FlyLady
Tagged busy, calendar, family, square
We Were Told We Could Have It All
From the day we were born, as women we were told we could have it all; Career, family, home, and a satisfied life.
My Family Noticed
Recently both my Dear Husband and my youngest daughter have checked the calendar and said some things I never thought I’d hear them say.
Posted in testimonials
Tagged calendar, family, flylady