February Habit #3 My Declutter Stand-Bys

IMG_5647Dear Friends,

Welcome to a new month and a new habit! February is Declutter for 15 minutes, and we are going to take full advantage of our time. Monday through Friday this month you will get a new Declutter Mission that follows the Zone we are in. If you have a declutter story or an idea that you have found to be useful please send us an email with MY DECLUTTER STORY in the subject line!

FlyLady Rebecca

February Declutter Mission: No mission today! Today is Saturday, Family Fun Day! So, get with your kids or loved one and do something fun!


Dear FlyLady,

In no particular order, and some tips I’ve gleaned from other sources over the years.

But these are my declutter stand-bys.

1.  6 Month Rule.  If I haven’t needed it, worn it, looked for it, read it or replaced it in 6 months, out it goes.  One exception I make is for the few good outfits I  still have, still fit into, but seldom wear.  They are my “just in case” wardrobe.  All my clothes fit in the one closet in my house (yep, just one), one dresser, and my cedar chest (seasonal stuff).

2.  Keep a picture, not the object.  Just because Great Great Aunt Griselda knit it from string while crossing the Plains in a wagon, doesn’t mean I have to hang onto it.

3.  Forbidden Words and Phrases:  “Maybe I could….” “I might need …”  “What if …..?”  “But Great Great Aunt …. [see 2 above]” and “I can sell it.”  That  last one leads to …

4.  How much is my time worth compared to what I might get for the item?   I tend to put a greater value on my time.  One yard sale was enough.  I check similar items on e-bay and decide if the time involved is worth the sold price.  Donation with  a tax deduction is my favorite.  Quick and easy.

5.  Craft items.  Keep repeating “I have enough for two lifetimes.”

6.  No regrets.  Once something is gone, it’s gone [see 2, again].

FlyBaby P

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