Habits Help Save The Day

Dear FlyLady, 

Thank you so much for all that you do! I wanted to write a short, but sweet, note about how the

 FlyLady Calendar has saved us this past year!

My husband attended TASER Certification last December for his job. During the class each person was tased and the lowest disk in my husband’s spine was herniated. Long story short, the employer chose to ignore the injury and did not file with Workman’s Compensation. To date, my husband has had 2 surgeries and is currently suffering from Post-Laminectomy Syndrome. He may be facing spinal fusion in the near future. Needless to say, our life has been turned upside-down!

We have filed with a lawyer to have Workman’s Compensation handle our claim. You all can only imagine what a mess it has been! Papers to fill out and, let me tell you, they want details, details, details!

Here’s where the FlyLady Calendar came in and saved the day! (Last year, I bought a calendar for the first time.) As we were going through the paperwork for our case, I thanked God over and over again for the FlyLady and for helping me to write so many important details on our calendar! My husband and I are SO grateful this tool was available. I believe that having all those details on hand will be the key to our case resulting in a positive outcome.

Please pray for us as we continue to weather the storm and look for the sun to come out again! Love ya’ll!

Crystal in Eastern NC

calendarsquareFlyLady here: I am so proud of Crystal for embracing the habit of putting their schedule on the calendar and keeping notes.

Get your calendar while we have a 20% discount on them with Coupon Code Shiny591.

Here is an image of the size of the box with a penny for scale.

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