Breaking the Chains

Dear Friends,

Some of you still don’t believe me when I say that you cannot organize clutter; you can only get rid of it! For the life of me I can’t understand why you won’t just try it. I have given you little assignments to clear off areas so that you can feel the difference the free space has on your life. Yet you are still refusing to let it go!

The result in not releasing your clutter is that you are not finding success with your routines and you are not FLYing yet. The guilt is weighing you down. You are blaming everyone but yourself for the problems you are having. Some of you blame our emails and complain that they are the clutter, while others of you blame your spouse or children. The truth is you are the problem because you will not let it go!

So what are you afraid of! Missing out of some piece of news, maybe needing it one day and you will not be able to afford it again or what about the continual guilt trip you put yourself on when you see the item and remember how much you wasted on it!

Clutter is a chain that keeps you from FLYing! It has you locked down and suffering! Clutter has become the prison that you try to live in. You are the only one that can open the doors and fling that stuff out of your life. Once you start you are not going to believe how free your home feels.

Don’t wait two years to get this message drilled through your head. Start today; 15 minutes at a time and peel back the layers of your guilt and fear! Your home can be a haven of security in troubled times or it can be a prison! It is your choice!

Fear and clutter are your jailers! They want you chained down and tied to them! When you finally decide to break those chains you are going to see everything differently. I know you don’t believe that your stuff is doing this to you, but take my word and the words from our testimonials. Clutter and fear own you unless you decide for yourself that you are tired of being a slave to them!

With your clutter out of the way; routines become so easy. Weekly home blessing hour is a breeze and all of a sudden you have more time than you ever dreamed to do the fun things in life. Being beaten down by your clutter has taken its toll on you for the last time.

Make a stand against their evil plan and fight for your life! Toss it out 15 minutes at a time! You can do this! Set your timer and ask yourself those important questions.

Do I love you; Do you make me smile; Do I have a home for you?

Be truthful when answering these questions. The enemy will do everything in their power to make you believe that you love those things more than life itself! If you continue to hold on to them; that is what you are saying! You had rather have your stuff than a life of peace and tranquility.

It is time for you to make a choice! Do you want the peace that we have found or do you want to continue to hang on to the guilt and fear that is holding you down. Let go and find yourself FLYing!

If you have a testimonial about the freedom from your bonds of clutter; please send it to me. Put FREE in the subject line and send it to

Are you ready to FLY Free of your clutter; once and for all!


Don’t Crash and Burn!

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