Transition From Work to Stay at Home

Dear FlyLady,

I just found you about one month ago. Needless to say I have a long way to go to fly confidently. But I know I will get there.

Making the change from working woman to stay at home mom has been one of the most profound and earth shattering life experiences for me. At work, you feel a daily sense of accomplishment and people give you feedback and sometimes even praise. At home with children and a husband, it can sometimes get downright lonely and discouraging when the house is a mess and it seems like no one cares but me.

I just want to say thank you for your encouragement. I watch your videos and read your emails daily, and they lift me up. I also needed an attitude adjustment when it came to how I viewed my role at home as caretaker of my home and family and your words in the “Not a 50/50 Proposition” morning musing were a blessing. Now I feel more at peace in my role as wife and mom.

I am thankful that I get to be a stay at home mom and work to take care of my family. Thanks again for your support and encouragement for me and all the others whose lives you touch every day…it really means a lot.

Flying in WV

What are you waiting for? Procrastination hurts you!

PrintWe have everything you need to keep your home shining! Sometimes we need a little motivation. Our efficient tools give us a jump start! They make a tough job fun. If you make it fun; it will get done!

We are going through our CHAOS to Clean Book this Month! Get yours now!

Get Your Mop only $9.95 while we have them!

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It has your favorite tools! Got Old Cleaning Tools? Time to Upgrade with The Best! FlyLady’s Back to Basics Pack! Declutter the old to make room for the new!

Kitchen Tools Flash Sale! Half Price

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May Habit #20 We Shouldn’t Forget

Dear FlyLady,

As we learn to move more, we shouldn’t forget our families either!

I asked my DS, age 2-1/2, if he wanted to go for a walk this morning. No way – who wants to sit in a stroller while Mommy gets her workout?!

So we are MARCHING in MAY! Wow, was he up for that idea! I set the timer for 7-1/2 minutes and told him we’d MARCH until the timer went off and then we’d turn around and MARCH home again! My DD, age 16 months (only walking 2 months now!) was so excited she was literally jumping up and down.

Off my kids marched, with me close behind. We got all the way around the block and I didn’t have to carry anyone home. No, I didn’t get my heart rate up where it needed to be (I can do that after they go to bed), but I was so happy to watch them enjoying the late spring sunshine.

They are learning the importance of moving too!

FlyMommy in Illinois

FlyLady Rebecca here: Do you have a shoe Testimonial? Let us know, and send an email with I LOVE MOVING IN MAY in the subject line.

What are you waiting for? Procrastination hurts you!

PrintWe have everything you need to keep your home shining! Sometimes we need a little motivation. Our efficient tools give us a jump start! They make a tough job fun. If you make it fun; it will get done!

We are going through our CHAOS to Clean Book this Month! Get yours now!

Get Your Mop only $9.95 while we have them!

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It has your favorite tools! Got Old Cleaning Tools? Time to Upgrade with The Best! FlyLady’s Back to Basics Pack! Declutter the old to make room for the new!

Kitchen Tools Flash Sale! Half Price

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Posted in Habit of the Month Tagged , , ,

I Am So Tired of Searching

Dear FlyLady,

I waste so much time searching for my car keys. Do you have any words of wisdom to help me keep up with my keys!

Tired of Searching

Dear Tired of Searching,

I can totally understand your frustration. I hate this feeling! I have been locked out of my car in Pisgah National Forest. It was not fun with lightning popping all around us. I was blessed to find a hatchet head in a fire ring. I was able to use it to break a tiny window to get the door open. The key to keeping up with your keys (no pun intended) is a routine! If I had had a routine for dealing with my keys before I had gotten out of the car; we would not have been accidentally been locked out when the door slammed closed on a little incline.

We set ourselves up because we don’t put our keys in the same place every time, we are asking for trouble. Even in our purses, we should have one place for them. I have mine attached to my purse. Before I get out of my car, I attach my keys to my purse. Granted I had to put a post-it note on my dash board to remember this until it became a habit.

keyshelfA couple of months ago, I asked my Sweet Darling to build me a little shelf to hold my purse and keys. I have been loving how nice it is to be able to grab and go without having to look for my keys and purse.

Another good way to keep up with your keys is to put them on a lanyard. We all have them from conferences we have been to. Attaching your keys to a lanyard gives your keys a tail so you can find them. We used to sell them but no one really wanted them because we have them in our clutter.

Here are some tips for keeping up with your keys.

  1. Put them in the same place every time you use them.
  2. Attach them to your purse before you get out of your car.
  3. Put a bracelet on them to hang on your arm. (Jailer’s ring)
  4. Attach a colorful lanyard to them. Give your keys a tail to grab.
  5. Set up a launch pad in your home to place your keys and purse
  6. Don’t come in your door with a huge armload of stuff.
  7. Put your keys where they go when you first walk in the door
  8. Focus on establishing a place for your keys and purse. 3M Command Hook.
  9. Put a Post-it Note on your dash to remind you to put your keys on your purse.
  10. Get a carabiner clip, D Ring clip to attach to your purse handle.
  11. Don’t get in a hurry! Slow Down! When we hurry we forget things.

You can save time if you will practice putting your keys where they belong. That is what our routines do for us. The best part is you don’t have to get stressed out hunting for those keys. This is a big win for the whole family!

One more key tip. LOL hide a back up key in your purse. Be sure to not put it in a safe place. We all know about those safe places; they are black holes. I have a valet key that came with my truck in my wallet. This will help keep you from panicking.

What are you waiting for? Procrastination hurts you!

PrintWe have everything you need to keep your home shining! Sometimes we need a little motivation. Our efficient tools give us a jump start! They make a tough job fun. If you make it fun; it will get done!

We are going through our CHAOS to Clean Book this Month! Get yours now!

Get Your Mop only $9.95 while we have them!

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It has your favorite tools! Got Old Cleaning Tools? Time to Upgrade with The Best! FlyLady’s Back to Basics Pack! Declutter the old to make room for the new!

Kitchen Tools Flash Sale! Half Price

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Posted in Ask FlyLady Tagged , , , ,

Final Touches

Dear Friends,

Sometimes when I sleep things come to me. Robert has a name for Him; the Midnight Editor. I like to think of them as God Breezes while the crew is resting. This morning I was awaken by today’s morning musing title: Final touches.

As FlyBabies we are famous or shall I say infamous because we have never finished anything in our lives. I think that we become discouraged by the fact that laundry is never done and the dishes are an endless proposition. Not to mention the toys that always need picking up. We would love to see the house clean all at once and stay that way, but let’s face it! It ain’t gonna happen! Our perfectionism is what wants to see it all completely finished and if we don’t have time to do it all we just give up! So it continues to pile up and make us feel even worse! This bad feeling radiates though your home by the sound of your yelling disapproving voice! I want you to stop this right now! You set the tone for your home literally. If you are yelling and angry the rest of the family is going to follow your lead.  That is enough to drive anyone crazy!

So to distract ourselves from the house that always needs cleaning, we start a project! We think that this is going to make us feel better but what it really does is start another level of guilt. We have such high ideals and we are really good at running with them, but they never get finished. Our problem is that we don’t know how to break a task into doable parts. With our all or nothing thinking; we go buy the necessary items and then we plan and play and never get down to the step by step work that is needed to complete the project.

My Sweetie calls this Project Mode. It is amazing to watch him with this way of thinking. He commits to doing one thing on the project each day. Now that he is retired he works very hard at staying busy each day.  When he gets in Project Mode he does not let his other work fall by the wayside. His goal is to spend at least five minutes, but it is something! One time he built me a wall of shelves that you could lay on by going into project mode. Every day he celebrates because he has accomplished his goal of doing one thing; he does not beat himself up because he has not finished it YET! He just plods right along, one babystep at a time! Eventually all those babysteps arrive at the end of the project and he will call me downstairs to see his work of art! He actually knows when he has finished. I can’t even imagine that feeling!

I have started so many projects and some of you have been the recipient of them. Before I became FlyLady, I thought I wanted to be a quilter. Oh, I could start them, design them, cut them out, but I hated the sewing part! As a result I had two bags of quilt pieces and no quilt. One day after I became FlyLady, I was writing an essay with the word guilt in it and every time I wrote guilt it came out quilt.

At first I laughed, but I guess it was a Freudian slip of the tongue. Those unfinished quilts were weighing heavy on me. I had to dispose of them and not feel guilty about the money I had spend on the fabric or the time I had wasted on the design or cutting it out. So I hid them under the basement staircase. Hey out of sight out of mind. NOPE it doesn’t work that way, because even the bags they were in reminded me of my quilty little secret! There I did it again. Now I have puddles (tears)rolling down my face!  I didn’t mean to do that. I got rid of those bags just before Christmas when a dear sweet woman from Ohio took my quilt and guilt away!  Those quilt pieces are going to be used to keep someone warm! They are never going to make me feel bad again.

Guilt eats away at our self love! It tells us we are not worthy because we can’t finish anything. Well I am standing up to this guilt once and for all! You are not going to beat me down anymore! I have a higher calling. I may not be the one to make the quilt, but I can motivate you just a little every day to quit procrastinating about your unfinished projects or give them to someone that will. Release the quilt/guilt and find what your purpose in life! I finally know what I want to be when I grow up!

We can finish things; we ice cakes and put away laundry! Dishes get washed and toys get picked up! We are blessing our home with final touches all the time, we just never knew it because we enjoy beating ourselves up!

Sometimes our goals are too broad. We work very hard to accomplish them with our all or nothing thinking. Then one day we just give up. We just can’t seem to put those final touches on the project.

Are you ready to FLY without the guilt of unfinished projects holding you down? I am not telling you that you have to finish them either! Just let them go! Boogie your way down the runway and you will find yourself FLYing just the same!

You deserve a hug. I am so proud of you for letting them go or for finishing them!


P.S. If you let go of an unfinished project or finished one, I want to hear about it. Send me an email to with FINAL TOUCH in the subject line.

What are you waiting for? Procrastination hurts you!

PrintWe have everything you need to keep your home shining! Sometimes we need a little motivation. Our efficient tools give us a jump start! They make a tough job fun. If you make it fun; it will get done!

We are going through our CHAOS to Clean Book this Month! Get yours now!

Get Your Mop only $9.95 while we have them!

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It has your favorite tools! Got Old Cleaning Tools? Time to Upgrade with The Best! FlyLady’s Back to Basics Pack! Declutter the old to make room for the new!

Kitchen Tools Flash Sale! Half Price

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Posted in Morning Musing Tagged , , , ,

Spread My Wings and FLY

Gift of Love – Nov 30

Thank you for your morning musings.  Sometimes they really come at just the right moment in my life.  Yesterday, I read ‘Gift of Love’ while in the kitchen getting ready for the day and I actually stopped to set my timer for 2 minutes, drink water, stare out the window, and praise God, right in the middle of reading it! (‘Cus you said to!)  Then I finished it and finished getting ready for the day.

I moved out of my “cocoon” yesterday.  It was my “post-separation/still-grieving-my-father/divorce-in-progress/solo-trip-to-Europe/quit-my-job/divorce-finalized/started-new-job/new-relationship/new-house” apartment. I had it for one year, Dec 2016-Nov 2017.  The stuff was already out and it had been cleaned, but yesterday I officially signed the papers and turned in the keys.

While inside, I took time to “bless” it — I prayed with thanksgiving, hope, admittance of being someone who hates taking a step without seeing the whole staircase, thanked it for being home for a bit, and bless it for the new person.

My current partner christened the place my “cocoon” because it wasn’t meant to be a forever home but a place to metamorphose.  Maybe I know what a caterpillar feels like while trying to change and grow and then come out all clumpy and wet (which is how I felt while moving things out over these past several weeks).  Now, as a butter”fly” I need to finally love myself and stretch those wings.

Using baby-steps, routines, and zone missions, I’m flying around a new home (and my partner appreciates you too!) with confidence!  Big weekend coming up, concerts we’re involved in, church, party for 15+ at my house (!), and I’m excited — not stressed!  My partner is a bit confused about the serving ware out on the dining room table with post-it note recipes on it already (“The party isn’t until Sunday, sweetie.”) but I know that those baby-steps will keep me cruising this weekend and throughout December.

I’m ready to FLY through a new month, new year, and beyond!!  THANK YOU!!

–Flybaby in Dover, DE (where not even an earthquake can shake me up!

What are you waiting for? Procrastination hurts you!

PrintWe have everything you need to keep your home shining! Sometimes we need a little motivation. Our efficient tools give us a jump start! They make a tough job fun. If you make it fun; it will get done!

We are going through our CHAOS to Clean Book this Month! Get yours now!

Get Your Mop only $9.95 while we have them!

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It has your favorite tools! Got Old Cleaning Tools? Time to Upgrade with The Best! FlyLady’s Back to Basics Pack! Declutter the old to make room for the new!

Kitchen Tools Flash Sale! Half Price

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Pamper Mission 05-19-2024

Dear Friends,

Welcome to a brand new Zone and a brand new Pamper Mission! Today, we have a back to basics mission that I absolutely need to do myself lol. Time to shave our legs! With warmer weather moving in for lots of us right now, this is the one time of year that we put away the jeans and sweaters and let our pretty legs shine!  What better way to pamper ourselves than with some soft smooth legs all day? I don’t mean go shave for your hubby! I want us to shave just for us! We deserve the luxury of soft smooth legs too don’t we?

Who cares that it will grow back seemingly magically overnight! Live in the moment and enjoy today!!

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May Habit #19 It Takes Too Much

Dear FlyLady,

I have finally decided to ‘accept’ your May mission–never too late I think is what you say.

I walked around our block one time–9 minutes. Now that I am back home–I am delighted! Yup!

I have also decided that that one more piece of chocolate candy or a chocolate cookie really is not all that good tasting anymore. It takes too much extra walking to get it off!

Thanks for continuing to remind us to start the monthly mission even if we didn’t start on the first day of the month.


FlyLady Rebecca here: Do you have a Moving Testimonial? Let us know, and send an email with I LOVE MOVING IN MAY in the subject line.

What are you waiting for? Procrastination hurts you!

PrintWe have everything you need to keep your home shining! Sometimes we need a little motivation. Our efficient tools give us a jump start! They make a tough job fun. If you make it fun; it will get done!

We are going through our CHAOS to Clean Book this Month! Get yours now!

Get Your Mop only $9.95 while we have them!

Screen Shot 2024-05-03 at 2.06.29 PM

It has your favorite tools! Got Old Cleaning Tools? Time to Upgrade with The Best! FlyLady’s Back to Basics Pack! Declutter the old to make room for the new!

Kitchen Tools Flash Sale! Half Price

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Posted in Habit of the Month Tagged , , ,

I Want to Keep My New Home Uncluttered Help Me

Dear FlyLady,

I have a question. I just moved into a new place and purged everything down to just the basics.  I don’t want to get into the mess I just got out of so my question is, where do I start?  Do I jump into the detailed cleaning list? And how does that work?  

It looks like a lot. Does it follow the same zones as the flight plans?  Or do I still follow the zone cleaning and weekly blessings? This doesn’t seem to be enough. Not complaining, mind you, really enjoying waking up and coming home to an uncluttered home, but I don’t want it to sneak up on me again. Any advise would be amazing!


Dear Becky,

Let me start by saying how proud I am of you for purging your clutter before you moved into your new home. This is the key to the ease of establishing simple habits and stringing them into routines. You are going to be fine! We all start by shining our sinks. Keep your sink clean and shiny. I will give you some babysteps to help you with the rest of the house.

Do a simple Before Bed Routine:

  1. Shine sink
  2. Clear hot spots
  3. Check calendar
  4. Get in bed at a decent hour

Next Day do your Morning Routine

  1. Get dressed to lace-up shoes
  2. Swish and Swipe
  3. Empty Dishwasher
  4. Eat Breakfast

Stay focused on weeding out clutter

1. When you bring something new home declutter 2 like items.

2. Spend 15 minutes each day decluttering


Do a Weekly Home Blessing

Do the Daily Mission that comes out in the Flight Plan

Don’t get caught up in the trying to do everything at one time. BabySteps to establish simple habits and string them into routines.

The daily missions are geared toward the zones. Don’t worry about the zones either. Rebecca will keep you focused on that area. You don’t have to think if you just do the daily mission.

Please don’t over-think this simple system. Our brains can get in our way! This is our perfectionism. We don’t have to see the top of the staircase to take the first step! ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.


What are you waiting for? Procrastination hurts you!

PrintWe have everything you need to keep your home shining! Sometimes we need a little motivation. Our efficient tools give us a jump start! They make a tough job fun. If you make it fun; it will get done!

We are going through our CHAOS to Clean Book this Month! Get yours now!

Get Your Mop only $9.95 while we have them!

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It has your favorite tools! Got Old Cleaning Tools? Time to Upgrade with The Best! FlyLady’s Back to Basics Pack! Declutter the old to make room for the new!

Kitchen Tools Flash Sale! Half Price

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Posted in Ask FlyLady Tagged , , , , , , ,

Looking for the Perfect Cleaning Solution

Dear Friends,

We are all looking for that special cleaner or product that is going to get your home clean. The secret to getting your home in order is moving your arms and legs.

So another way to look at this is your arm is the magic wand! When you wave it things get done.

How do you clean a shower door? With your hand! I know this may seem too simple to you, but those babysteps work. We have been looking for that chemical solution that is miraculously remove that soap residue. Nothing works better than the up and down motion of elbow grease. We don’t give you cleaning tips; we motivate you to get up and do something.

Think about this! In our perfectionism we want to see everything clean at once. What is so hard in today’s society is to have the time to get it done to please the perfectionist inside of us. So what do we do, we do nothing. Why should we waste a whole Saturday having fun with our families in order to clean? Babysteps will work if you will do them.

So think about how the soap residue got there; every day when you are in the shower you leave just a little on the door. Why can’t you just turn that around and every day when you are in the shower, take a little of that soap film with you! Get a loofa sponge, purple rag, or a scrubber even the ones you use in the shower to make those wonderful bubbles will work too. Keep it in the shower and then use the same soap you used on your body, on the shower doors. Yes it is just that simple. The power comes from your arm not the chemical.

Soap is soap! You don’t have to use harsh chemicals to clean the door. Do one little section at a time. Try for the size of a dinner plate. Spend just a minute or two. Do not obsess about this. A little scrubbing every day will make the soap film go away. Guess what; you won’t get chemical pneumonia either from breathing those strong chemicals. Beside a couple more minutes in the shower is not going to hurt you!

Then after a few weeks you will have the worst part of it done. Then you can wax the doors with glass wax or liquid car wax. This will keep the soap film from being so hard to get off the next time. Now don’t complain about hard water: the scrubbing works for that too. Hard water stains are just calcium deposits that have been left after the water evaporates. I once had to use a wood chisel to get those out of a toilet bowl. There was no chemical that would magically eat them away, but the chisel just popped them off. A sharp knife works too. Just be gentle and careful.

I just want you to quit looking for that magic fix and do a babystep!

Are your ready to FLY by taking those simple little babysteps?


What are you waiting for? Procrastination hurts you!

PrintWe have everything you need to keep your home shining! Sometimes we need a little motivation. Our efficient tools give us a jump start! They make a tough job fun. If you make it fun; it will get done!

We are going through our CHAOS to Clean Book this Month! Get yours now!

Get Your Mop only $9.95 while we have them!

Screen Shot 2024-05-03 at 2.06.29 PM

It has your favorite tools! Got Old Cleaning Tools? Time to Upgrade with The Best! FlyLady’s Back to Basics Pack! Declutter the old to make room for the new!

Kitchen Tools Flash Sale! Half Price

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Posted in Morning Musing Tagged , , , , ,

Encouraging and Supportive

Dear FlyLady,

I don’t write reviews or testimonies for anything before this. I was just compelled to let you know how much good you are doing for people, families, parents, and marriages.

I stumbled on your website in late June because my family and I were living in CHAOS. I was sobbing and Googling pictures of what ‘real’ houses looked like to try and feel better because mine was a disaster. My husband and I work full time and we have a 6 year old DD,4 year old DS, 1.5 year old DD. I had no routines and I would spend my weekends trying to catch up. Crisis cleaning for company was just a part of life. With owning an older home, renovations and the messes they bring always seem to be looming over my head. The dread I felt coming home to a house in CHAOS was awful. Overwhelmed is an understatement to what I felt. Finding your site has changed our lives. I have become a more patient mother with streamlined routines. I have become a better wife not playing the martyr because I was “the only one doing anything”. I have become a better person and much less of a perfectionist with your routines and your take care of yourself attitude. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

Your routines and philosophy are so encouraging and supportive. I jumped right in and shined my sink, printed out your routines, and got to work 15 minutes at a time. I was truly amazed at how much I could accomplish (even on those weeknights between cooking, baths, and bedtimes) in just a short amount of time. After cleaning for 45 minutes I can now fully relax on my 15 minute breaks from cleaning and do something guilt free for me! I love it! I am very proud to say that my house is now clutter free! We’re remodeling our main floor bath so to be able to keep the house clean while that mess is going on feels like I have control over my life. My kids love to clean their rooms in 15 minutes intervals and it’s fun for them to see how much they can get done before the timer goes off. We often play kid songs as they are cleaning.

Some routines wax and wane a little just because of life and not being as consistent as I could be. About 4 weeks ago my 6 year old DD came home with lice! Ahh! So not only did we have to do the lice cleaning process our house was messy on top of it. So we got everything spotless and got rid of those awful things. Two days ago lice reared it’s ugly head on her again! This time, our house was extremely manageable and I was caught up on laundry because I do a load every day! So all that needed to be done was the current bed linens and other current clothes. The old me would have been 2-4 loads behind. I can’t tell you enough how much ‘a load a day keeps Mt. Washmore away’ has been praised in our house. My husband even said, “We would not have been able to do this without FlyLady!”

I have your calendar color coded with everyone’s schedule as my husband has on call weeks, our out of town training days and where I will be at for my shift. I have made a control journal. I now call it my ‘Peace of Mind Journal’. I added a spiral notebook so that as I think of stuff for lists, or groceries, Christmas present ideas, etc. I added a 3 hole punch folder so that I keep paperwork in there that I need to fill out, daycare, school picture info, etc. One side of the folder is for incoming/to do and the other side is outgoing. On the outside of the journal it says, “What she tackles, she conquers”.

I am shouting your praises from the rooftops! Thank you so much for everything you have done and continue to do. I’m FLYing and I love it!

FLYing in MN

What are you waiting for? Procrastination hurts you!

PrintWe have everything you need to keep your home shining! Sometimes we need a little motivation. Our efficient tools give us a jump start! They make a tough job fun. If you make it fun; it will get done!

We are going through our CHAOS to Clean Book this Month! Get yours now!

Get Your Mop only $9.95 while we have them!

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It has your favorite tools! Got Old Cleaning Tools? Time to Upgrade with The Best! FlyLady’s Back to Basics Pack! Declutter the old to make room for the new!

Kitchen Tools Flash Sale! Half Price

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